Personal data

Licensed since 2002, since 1970 SWL YO2-10082/AR
1. HF, VHF/UHF: 2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm.
2. Voice, ATV on 23 cm and 13 cm.
3. Fabrication and experiences on vertical, short antennas HF, antennas for 1.2 Ghz to 5.8 Ghz
4. Electronic printed circuit projects.
5. Promote hamradio to young and other interested
6. Promote Fauna and Flora Romanian ProgramYOFF – Special call YP2WFF
7. Promote Summits on the Air (SOTA) – YO2 Arad county – Romania
8. Simulated Emergency Test – Colaborare în simularea unei situaţii de urgenţă
9. SDR instruction for RTL2832U & R820T DVB-T (roumain)
10. Photo

73 to all, George, YO2MAB & HA2MAB

Equipment for portable work – briefcase

– transceiver Icom IC-706MKIIG
– antenna tuner LDG AT200
– Inverter 220 V/ 13,8Vcc 22 A
– 1 uF electrolytic capacitor buffer
– balun LDG RBA-4:1
– CW decoder IK3OIL
– CI-V interface for laptop
– source for laptop 220 VAC / 13.8 VDC to 19 VDC
– powered from 13.8 VDC or 220 VAC

My Shack

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